Fiduciary Fitness Program

Retirement plans require prudent governance by plan sponsors and fiduciaries. Which is why we utilize the Fiduciary Fitness Program as a well designed decision-making process to confirm and document proper roles and execution of responsibilities in a prudent manner.


  • Identify plan fiduciaries and understand the extent of their specific responsibilities
  • Attempt to comply with ERISA 404(a) and 404(c)
  • Document the hiring process for service providers
  • Identify parties in interest to the plan and take steps to monitor transactions
  • Understand major exemptions under ERISA that permit transactions with parties in interest
  • Review plan documents in light of current plan operations and make necessary updates
  • Comply with reporting and disclosure requirements
  • Ensure that individuals are properly bonded and covered by liability insurance and more


             The Program offers a holistic approach to fiduciary best practices, and encompasses key deliverables, education and documentation modules:

  • Fiduciary Diagnostic™: Demonstrates what plan sponsors and fiduciaries need to address and documents plan management responsibilities
  • Fiduciary Plan Review: Examines plan design and documents prudent processes
  • Education Modules: Contain 20+ education modules on topics from fiduciary responsibilities to employer securities, real property, and mergers and acquisitions
  • Documentation Modules: Create positive evidence that fiduciaries’ activities meet their responsibilities under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code